In this section, we present a variety of professional experiences in which you are involved, covering areas such as software development, project management, and data analysis. This offers a summary and concise vision of my career with personal projects. I hope that by exploring these experiences, you can value my ability to face challenges and provide significant value in future collaborations.
The Functionary
Python, Django, Selenium, SQL, Microsoft SQL, Mailgun, Json, XML
Nodejs, Electron.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Flutter, Android Development
Hyatt Place
Swift (Programming Language)
Extras S.A.
Nodejs, Vue.js, ReactJS, NodeJS
Secretaria de Educación de Bogotá.
Augmented Reality (AR), Unity, Swift (Programming Language), Android Development
Windows Server, ASP.NET, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Microsoft SQL Server, C#
Wheels S.A.S
Jira, Bitbucket, PHP, HTML5, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), AWS, JavaScript
Wheels S.A.S
Social Media, Web Services API, Scrum, iOS Development, PhoneGap, Android Development
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Build and manage both cross-platform and Android applications using tools like android studio and eclipse
Hansa Language Centre
Basic And Intermedio Course of English.
Nucamp Coding Bootcamp
Build and manage the 3 pillars of the digital world (HTML, JavaScript and CSS).
Nucamp Coding Bootcamp
The fundamentals of programming with Python. This includes loops and functions, complex data structures, classes, and object-oriented programming concepts. Finally the common algorithms.
Nucamp Coding Bootcamp
Data structures and algorithms to create robust applications with Python and SQL, using DevOps tools and implementations in the Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google clouds.
Nucamp Coding Bootcamp
Learn about modern software engineering practices, deploys project to development to production using the latest methodologies and techniques.
Nucamp Coding Bootcamp
Data structures and algorithms to create robust applications with HTML5, Node.js, Express.js and SQL, using DevOps tools and implementations in the Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google clouds.
Nucamp Coding Bootcamp
Data structures and algorithms to create robust applications with React.js, Node.js, and SQL, using DevOps tools and implementations in the Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google clouds.
Nucamp Coding Bootcamp
I learned how to store and retrieve data in the back-end and integrate it with websites and mobile applications. I also learned how to authenticate users and the fundamentals of cybersecurity. With NodeJS as the server-side base and MongoDB the engine of the database, both open source and free to use.